More enjoyable to me was Yuki's Sushi on a different day. Ready to hear this old superlative tune again? Best sushi I've ever had. Really! I guess you can't beat the more coastal towns for seafood. Katie hit the nail on the head again with this one.
We started with some warm miso soup, then moved on to the sushi. Katie had the sashimi (the small fish fillet cuts on rice), and I had some tuna rolls with cream cheese, avocado, and cucumber. Lord, they were good.

My favorite, though, was the crunchy salmon rolls. The fried rolls had just a little spice, some crunch, and a deliciously balanced flavor that you just gotta go try for yourself.

Meanwhile, you might be thinking, what is poor Christopher eating back home? He had the wonderful idea of documenting it for me. He forgot to take a picture of his very first creation, a Boboli crust pizza, made with some of the leftover taco meat that I had made the day before I left. He said that he forgot the cheese should go on top, and he mistakenly placed the meat on the cheese. He said it was a burnt, runny mess and was sorry he didn't take a picture, because "I really would have loved it." His next meal was again, taco meat, this time on tortilla chips.

Next up: having run out of pizza crusts, and tortilla chips, Chris placed yet more taco meat on toast.

After that, Chris went to his brother's place and stayed for a couple of days. The reason was not just because he had run out of taco meat, but because he and his two brothers ran the Chicago Half Marathon, and they all finished together. Afterwards, they went to Cheeseburger in Paradise for drinks. Chris and his aversion to Jimmy Buffet resisted this suggestion for a long time, but he finally went, and had to admit he enjoyed the frozen "girlie" drinks. And it was well-earned, if you ask me.

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