They are vaguely similar to a Starbuck's, only they aren't really on every single corner like Starbucks are (in any city, including those in California.) Still, when visiting Dave, I make sure he goes out of his way so that I can git me a matcha, or Green Tea Iced Blended. Made with nonfat milk, and not too many calories -- if you get the small size. Which, of course, I don't. (Hey, I only get one once a year.)

Here is the one I had, lovingly placed atop Dave's car. I am crazy about the flavor of this variety, and while I will enthusiastically sample the purchases of others (Chris had a Pomegranite Blueberry that was nice), I have yet to find one that surpasses this flavor. It tastes like those enriched milk products you used to get as kids, like Tiger's Milk. Anybody remember that? It was a powder you added to your milk. I did an internet search for it, but all I turned up was set of results for the protein bars. Dad used to get ours at Kroger.
Anyway, I digress (or should I say "tigress?" Ehh.) I've tried the Starbuck's version, but this one, in my opinion, is far superior.
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