I've had a soft-spot for sliders, since I grew up near a pee-wee golf establishment that sold the little suckers (sadly, no longer in existence), and often we would run over to pick up a sack of burgers (and skip the golf). These at the D & B were so good, I made quite the pig of myself. They were far above the quality of your standard White Castle (not that there's anything wrong with that, if you're drunk anyway. Or hung-over). Nooo, these were special. The memory of them stayed with me, until a few weeks later I was forced to try to re-create the moment. I remembered my friend Katherine serving sliders at a pre-drink party a couple of years ago. She had mixed ground beef with onion soup mix, and a little Worcheshire and seasonings. Then she spread the meat out flat in the bottom of a sheet pan, baked it, and then cut them into small squares with a pizza-cutter. Judging from the look she was giving me, I was apparently the last person on earth to hear of this (which would be nothing new.) I had happened to find some Hawaiian bread rolls that were perfect for the occasion. I revived the recipe, and used turkey meat, as is my wont.

They were quite delicious. My largest sheet pan happened to be dirty, and as a rule I won't wash dishes by hand unless I absolutely have to. So mine came out a bit thicker, having used the smaller pan. I would also add that although I am always trying to kill fewer cows, as well as reduce our fatty intake and cholesterol, I think next time I will make these with lean beef. Still, they were very tasty and a lot of fun!!
P.S. I remember the two figures at the Pee Wee Golf that used to stand on Larry Power Road in Kankakee quite well... On one course, there was a Big-Boy-like male figure with a platter of sliders. On the other course, there was a girl with a similar platter and a flip hairdo. I remember them languishing sadly for a long while after the course closed, the victims of vandalization and degradation over time. Now I wish I had gotten a pickup truck and stolen them both. I wonder, does anyone have a photo of one of these two? I'd love to have a copy...
UPDATE (a la "Unsolved Mysteries"): The figures still stand on a miniature golf course on Larry Power road. They are now a part of Aspen Ridge Golf Course! (Sorry about the night pic, but you can see me next to the statue for a size reference.)